What Does Board Plan MLM Software Mean?

Board plan MLM software is basically an application that allows you to implement of Board plan MLM hierarchy. You can convert the board plan into board plan MLM software according to your need.

So we can proudly say that, our MLM Software is the best for your business.

Being a topnotch MLM Software Company, we believe in offering the best so you can network with diverse audience with full-fladged networking features, using our software.

Board Matrix MLM Plan have even began adopting the MLM concept to strengthen its backbone with our Software.

What is Board MLM Plan?

Board MLM plan is also known by the name of Revolving Matrix Plan. It is suitable for small to big companies with a limited number of people.

However, you can adopt this plan  to improve your business as it uses a 2×2 board plan where each member should hire two people in their line. This process continues till all the positions on the board are filled, after that, the board splits it into two sub-boards. The top member of the board is promoted to high level.

How MLM Board Plan/Matrix Cycle Plan Works?

Meanwhile, an MLM Software Company in India and the design of the Board Plan is a 2X2 Matrix, which is known as 2X2 Matrix Cycle.  It is then follows the sponsor Board/Matrix Cycle. If the members hire other in the chain, they get promoted for commission every time the Board/Matrix Cycle is completed.

On joining this plan, a blank board is allotted to you to fill a few columns in the entry with your associates. However, the dimension of columns might differ from one another. Then, the commission is rewarded.

This board-plan allows you for the sponsorships with two-member legs on your first level so that you can work on your downline. The downline level is restricted to two-levels and allows you to sponsor two members on the first level. The process continues until you complete Matrix Cycle of 6 people.

Commissions in Board MLM Plan

The commission plan is considered a 2×2 board MLM plan in MLM Company.

These two kinds of commissions are called: 

  1. Referral commission

        2. Cycle commission or Board Split Commission

So, what are you wondering? Approach one of the leading MLM Software Company and bring impeccable revenue.

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